Monday, August 29, 2011


Talk about POOR PROGRESS yang amat memberikan kesan yang mendalam dalam hidup aku.

[It was almost 6 hours in labor 8:39 am in the morning]

[contraction almost 2 in 10s and getting slower in action]
maybe kesan ubat dah habis.. highest contraction 90..

Aku BENCI.. Aku Benci.. Aku menangis.. Aku menangis.. Aku sedih.. Aku sedih..

Doctor pleaseeee... i don't want c-sec any more?
[Haiyoooo.. don't please.. please me laa.. it's your uterus doesn't want to buka..]

Please doctor... i want more babies..
[You nak berapa anak?]

Minimum 5.. oh pleasee..
[Sorry puan.. Saya harap puan bersabar]

[sob.. sob.. crying..]

Can I have another hour please doctor.. Just give me a chance?
[Sorry puan, I don't know, let me talk to the specialist first]

[and they have me waited another 2 hours in labor]
results: getting slower in 2 in 10s and highest contraction not more than 60..

[last review by Dr Param: Really hate to hear this]
Swollen uterus and still OS 4cm.. no more chance!!!!!!
Prepare for C-sec and the other doctors quickly had me sign the contract to have the letter of consent.. Oooohh..

Luckily I had a very good nurse calming me.. They took care of me and give me strentgh tak henti-henti sehingga ke akhirnya.. even sampai ke bilik bedah..

Husband dengan mama pun sama.. Mama I won't forget your do'as.. Hembusan penenang dan selawat yang kau ucapkan ke dahi, dada dan kakiku.. Urutan dan usapan kasih sayang seorang ibu.. Membuatkan aku merasa syahdu menerima kasih sayangmu.. Tenang menghadapi kesakitan melahirkan..

Suami yang penyayang.. Tak pernah merungut walaupun adakalanya aku xdapat sempurnakan tanggungjawabku di sepanjang kehamilan.. Sentiasa di sisi memberi semangat.. Walau aku tahu tiada harapan untuk normal lagi..

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