Monday, August 29, 2011


[What they did that I remembered in EM LSCS]
It was emergency.. No more turning back and such a warning..
After this birth, there is no more normal delivery and I can only had one chance to give birth in the future which is also Caesarean Section. Reminding me again and again of planning next birth and the alternatives of IKAT!~ duhhhh!!~

[It was almost 1 o'clock in the afternoon 27th August 2011]

They took my blood for check-up before operation..
[Actually they already know my blood type from previous scanning.. ]
But I know it's important to send the results of Hb concentration before c-sec operation to the lab..
They gave my bladder a treat of urethral catherterization procedure and it was quite painful as the contractions still remain in pain..
They had me sodium citrate to reduce stomach acidity.. and asked me when was the last meal before this..
[I remembered I haven't had any meal since yesterday evening except of the chocolate breadcrumbs of sickening waiting in the car for nothing..?]
Well, that was one of another sickening story to be shared anyway..

And I was transferred to the operation theatre.. I saw my mom and my mother in law too..
My husband.. My sister Azizah.. The 2 nurses in the labor room following me to be handled by another nurses.. And also a new doctor from the operation room..
[He personalized himself as Dr. Jacob and Dr. Param as well was always beside me]

Ohhh I remembered how weak I was back then..
Calming myself to accept the truth..

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